Thursday March 20, 2025 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT

Co-hosted by Artsonia

Join us at the annual, epic opening night pARTy at NAEA25 to creatively celebrate art educators! We’ll also be embracing Louisville culture with a Disco Derby theme. As you probably already know, the city is famous for hosting the Kentucky Derby, but did you know Louisville is also a major producer of disco balls? During the 1970s disco era, about 90% of the shiny disco orbs were created right in Derby City! So, grab your party ticket, put on your Kentucky Derby fascinator or hat, and deck yourself out in your best disco ensemble for this mashup of fun. We’ll boogie on the dance floor, award prizes for creative outfits, and make some awesome memories!

How to Purchase Tickets:
Ticket purchase is required for this event. You can purchase tickets when registering for NAEA25. If you’ve are already registered and wish to purchase a ticket, you can add a ticket to your registration by logging into your NAEA member account, selecting "Purchases," then "Details" next to your registration information, and then selecting "Add Guest/Session."

Attending the Kentucky Derby Hat Design with Jenny Pfanenstiel Preconvention Workshop? Your ticket to the pARTy is included with your workshop ticket purchase!
Thursday March 20, 2025 7:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel, Salon III - VI

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