Thursday March 20, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Are you curious about taking a more active role in the National Art Education Association? Join us to discover how you can get involved - whether through volunteering, joining committees, or pursuing an elected office - and learn how to make it happen!  NAEA Board members will walk you through the many ways you can contribute, grow, and shape the future of our vibrant art education community. This session is designed to debunk myths around involvement, clarify requirements, and outline achievable pathways into leadership. Through open dialogue and thought-provoking questions, you’ll gain real-life insights and practical advice, while discovering the impact your contributions can have on NAEA’s mission. Come learn how your skills and passion can drive change, advocate for art education, and build meaningful connections all while discovering the personal and professional value leadership brings.
avatar for Abi Paytoe Gbayee

Abi Paytoe Gbayee

University of Northern Colorado Assistant Professor, NAEA Pacific Region VP
avatar for Carrie  Barnett

Carrie Barnett

WR Vice President
Thursday March 20, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel, Salon VII

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