About me
Kamila Glowacki is a museum educator, musician, and multidisciplinary artist based in Champaign, Illinois. She is the Assistant Curator of Community Engagement and Learning at Krannert Art Museum, located at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. In 2023, Kamila was named the Illinois Museum Educator of the Year by the Illinois Art Education Association. Her experience as a musician and visual artist in the Central Illinois DIY/punk music scene is at the core of her work in community engagement. From this multidisciplinary approach, she conceived and organized ‘Art Remastered’ — an annual live music event in which local musicians perform creative responses to artworks on display at KAM. With her colleague Ishita Dharap, she co-created ‘Rest Lab,’ a creative, experimental pop-up installation that invites resting with intention. Kamila’s indie punk band, Nectar, exists as her main songwriting outlet. Nectar’s sophomore album, ‘No Shadow’ was released in 2022 via Lauren Records and captures a "wonderfully infectious sense of breezy, distorted joy…where blissful harmonies meet pealing riffs and major-chord sweetness" (The AV Club).