Add sessions to your personal schedule to register your attendance (Check-In).
NAEF Board of Trustees Executive/Finance Committee Meeting 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Delegates Assembly 7:00am - 5:00pm
NAEF Board of Trustees Annual Meeting and Committee Meetings 8:00am - 4:00pm
Mindful Morning Yoga With CSAE 7:00am - 8:00am
Bridging Cultures: Integrating Asian Art in Museums a... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Hip-Hop's Transformative Connection to SEL and ED&I i... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Making Brush Magic 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Contemporary Paper Weaving: Practical, Purposeful, and Political 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Transformative Trauma-Informed Artmaking: Supporting All Students, Especially At-Promise Youth 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Mock Interviews and Resume Review 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Art in Special Education Awards Ceremony 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Student-Designed Textiles Using Infusible Ink 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Repositioning STEAM Education Practices From Global P... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Nuestras Historias Siguen: Our Stories Continue in Ar... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Enhancing Special Education Art Education: A Framewor... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Teaching Difficult Histories Through Art: Understandi... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Mobile Art Studio Community Art Program: Removing Bar... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Leaning into Spirituality in Art Education 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Conversation With Colleagues: Building Connections Across Regions 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Professional Materials Committee Meeting 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Significant Factors for Evaluating PreK-12 Art Teache... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Critical Perspectives on Embodiment: Relational and S... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
We Want to Thrive: Reconceiving Preservice Art Educat... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Creating the Functional Art Student: Possibilities an... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
ED&I Commission Business Meeting 12:00pm - 1:30pm
A Common Link 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Equitably Teaching LGBTQ+ Artists in the Classroom 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Art Teacher Insights: Naming and Sharing Your Effective Instructional Practices 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Regenerative Eco-Art Practices: Heeding Indigenous Understanding of Place and Practicing the Honorable Harvest 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Exploring Neuroqueering in Art Education: UDL Strateg... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Retired Art Educators Affiliate (RAEA) Interest Group... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Lines: Looking, Learning, Living: Weaving Neuroscience With Art, Architecture, and Design in K-16 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Coffee Talk: Drawing on Cups in Consideration of Drawing's Creative, Cognitive, and Communicative Qualities 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Misfit Memory Work: Challenging Sexism and Ableism in... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Leveraging Data and Documentation to Strengthen the W... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Customized Arts Learning: A Toolkit 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Buzzwords to Action: Making Educational Jargon Meanin... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Middle Level Division Conversations With Colleagues: Exploring Current Topics 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Lightscapes: Illuminating Art With LEDs 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Scrappy Creatures 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Alternative Photo Process: Cyanotypes 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Elementary Division: Conversations With Colleagues 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Decolonizing Ecological Possibilities Through Critica... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Unionization as Pedagogy: A Praxis for Solidarity Bui... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Speaking Back and Looking Forward: Feminist Annotatio... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Leader 2 Leader Part 2 (L2L 2): All Region Leaders Coming Together Face 2 Face (F2F) 12:00pm - 1:20pm
CSTAE Executive Board Business Meeting 1:00pm - 2:20pm
Unleashing Student Potential: Digital Portfolios 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Considering the Body in Early Childhood Art Education 1:00pm - 1:50pm
We Will Draw With Anyone About Anything Speed Date 1:00pm - 1:50pm
2025 NAEA Coalition of Feminisms in Art Education Reg... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Art Criticism: Fostering Creativity and Understanding... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Studio 55 Lifelong Learning in Art Museums Through St... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Lanterns and Language: A Cross-Disciplinary Celebrati... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Leveraging Art Honor Societies to Solidify an Artist'... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Art Practices for Art Educators' Self-Care, Well-Bein... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Of Minds and Machines: A Critical Curriculum for AI i... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Making Room for Chance: Collaboration and Interdiscip... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Designing for Accessibility and Inclusion 1:00pm - 1:50pm
USSEA Business Meeting 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Developing a Problem of Practice Statement for the Ed... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Crankie Contraptions: Activating SEL With Storytellin... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Navigate the Arts-Based Research Process With an App... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Make Art the Law In Your State! 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Retired Art Educators Affiliate Interest Group Annual... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Centering Black Perspectives in Preservice Art Educat... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Curating Theme-Based Asian Art VR Exhibits as Constru... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
ED&I Commission Topics 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Inquiring Minds Want to Know! 1:00pm - 1:50pm
University Art Ed Club Programming Brings Vibrancy, D... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Everyday-Cornerstones: Connectivity and Meaning-Makin... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Cultivating Identity Awareness Through Critical Refle... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Playful Art Room: Supporting Play Through Art Activit... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Forging Fabrication to Fabulous with Lasers in the Ar... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
No Rubrics: Anti-Ableist Art Assessment 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Trans Histories of Art Education 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Differentiating Creativity for Exceptional Learners 2:00pm - 2:50pm
CFAE Business Meeting I: Feminist(s) Histories: Hindsight, Foresight, and Insight 2:00pm - 3:20pm
Visual Arts Research Author Roundtable: Radical Publications in Art and Design Educat... 2:00pm - 3:20pm
Aesthetic Education Coexistence - Special Action on A... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
NAHS and NJAHS Sponsor Meetup and Sharing Session 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Book Bans in Critical Times: Art Projects on Censorsh... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Art & Media Technology Interest Group Business Meetin... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Sensory-Friendly, Community-Driven: A Consortium Mode... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Unified by Art: Diverse Roles in Promoting Art Educat... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Ecology and Environment Interest Group Business Meeti... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
smART Accessibility Supports for Exceptional Students 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Uncommon Pedagogy: Nurturing Wonder and Building Comm... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Arm in Arm: Supervision and Administration and Higher... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Youth Artists Advocate for Positive Social Change 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Community Arts Caucus Award Ceremony, Roundtable, and... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Channeling Reflexive and Inclusive Student-Centered A... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Beyond the Margins: Inclusion of Self-Taught and Outs... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Exploring Self-Care Among Arts Teachers in an Age of... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Embracing Choice Through Routines and Enhancing Engag... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Fellows Forum: Perspectives of New Materialism and Ar... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Inclusive Pedagogy in the "Third Space": Decolonization and Transformation in Art Edu... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Start With Art: STEAM Learning With Paper Circuits 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Graduate Research Session Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers Session at NAEA 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Curiosity Lab 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Eliciting Empathy and Understanding Through Visual Literacy Across the Curriulum 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Wonder-Full Art Education: Amplifying Awe Through Community-Based and Collaborative A... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Critical Pedagogies in Online Spaces 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Learning Together: The Reggio Emilia, Italy Municipal Schools as a Site for Art Educa... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Design Interest Group's Annual Gathering: Business, Awards, and Networking 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Committee of Multiethnic Concerns Business Meeting & Awards Ceremony 3:00pm - 4:20pm
The Mindful Studio: Exploring Creativity and Mindfulness in the Art Classroom 3:00pm - 4:50pm
All Division Awards Ceremony 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Intro to Creative Coding: Be Your Own Video DJ 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Decolonizing Art Educational Research and Practice to Build Non-Indigenous Allyship 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Want to Write a Book? Learn Expert Guidance to Get Your Book Published 3:00pm - 4:20pm
CAN Open Space 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Natural Disasters, Material Vulnerability, and the Creative Process 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Reimagine and Restore Arts Positive Effects on Health and Well-Being From Toxic and T... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Wrecking and Rebuilding: A Weekly Approach to Encouraging and Developing Creative Problem-Solving Skills 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Brush Up on Brush-Lettering Techniques 3:00pm - 4:50pm
SAL Class of 24: Group A 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Big Gay Church XV: The Final Act 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Reimagining Curriculum Design by Leveraging Standards and Metaphor: Action Research i... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Not Burned Out, Just Burning the Candle at Both Ends: Challenging Simplified Teacher... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Nature Maker's Workshop: Creating Art Materials With Materials Found in Nature 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Teaching and Learning on the Edge: Art Education in Rural and Remote Settings 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Art as Social Practice: Research Into Programs and Curricular Practices 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Stories of Care: Navigating Disability and Differences Through Creative Practices 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Empowering the People: The Role of Museums in Shaping a Democratic Public Sphere 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Canadian Society for Education Through Art (CSEA) Bus... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
NAEA Affinity Group: Multiracial 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Protest Postcards! 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Building Classroom Community Through Collaborative SEL-Infused Artmaking 3:00pm - 4:50pm
USSEA Engagement & Membership Event 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Marvin Finn: Bird Sculptures 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Early Childhood Art Educator Student Panel 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Research Commission: BIPOC Perspectives: The Intersections of Creative Practice and C... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
"Mounds" of Personal Narratives 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Dye-namic Batiks: Revitalizing Craft in Art Education 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Reengaging the Disengaged Art Classroom Learner 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Distinguished Fellows Business Meeting 3:00pm - 4:20pm
SAL Class of 24: Group B 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Collaborative Caring: Building a Student Art Cou...
Shared Identity: Unpacking Sense of Community fo...
Exploring Neurodiversity in PreK-12 Art Rooms: V...
Resilient Research: Navigating Art Teacher Burno...
Preservice Teaching Tips to Thrive! Cultivating...
Using Art History to Strengthen Empathy and Conn...
The Case for COIL-ing a Graduate Arts Teacher Pr...
Ecology and Environment Interest Group Awards Ceremon... 4:30pm - 5:20pm
Assessment Practices in Design Education: A Cros...
No Kiln, No Problem: Exploration and Use of Vari...
NAEA Affinity Group: Latin-x/a/e/o 4:30pm - 5:40pm
Digital to Physical 4:30pm - 4:55pm
Disability Stigma in the Black Community and the...
Journal of Social Theory in Art Education Author Round Table 4:30pm - 5:50pm
Murals as Classroom Pedagogy 4:30pm - 4:55pm
Inclusive Education: Chumash Art, Disability, an...
Embracing Culture and Creativity: Culturally Res...
Teaching Literacy With Visual Art
Using Art Therapy Approaches and Techniques in C...
Making Games With Mundane Tech: The Microsoft Of...
Building an Inclusive Community in the Art Room
A Maker Studio Transformation: Exploring Constra...
Art Borderlands in Theory, Practice, and Teachin...
Cross-Level Collaboration and the Importance of...
NAEA Affinity Group: White Ally/Accomplice 4:30pm - 5:40pm
Children's Drawing as Ecocultural Identity
Surreal Digital Photomontage: Using Technology in the... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Adventures in Stop Motion Animation 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Distinguished Fellows Mentoring Session 1 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Post-AI Modalities of Creative Practice 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Manuel Barkan Award Lecture 5:00pm - 5:50pm
From Looking to Language: The Historical Shift to Vis... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Sketchbooks Reimagined: Procedures Leading to Innovat... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
An Intergenerational Community of Practice to Support... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Creative Connections: Developing Participatory Museum... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Planning and Instruction of Social-Emotional Learning... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Art Media Technology PechaKucha 2025 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Open Secrets: Revealing Who's Now Paying Museum Educa... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Thinking Differently: Breaking Stereotypes About Dysl... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Ensuring All Students Are Seen and Valued: Introducto... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Searching for Critical Theory in Art Education Resear... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Create a Spectacular Journal With Gelli Printmaking! 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Art Curriculum Development as Living Artistic Inquiry 5:00pm - 5:50pm
In-Between: Exploring the Diasporic Experiences of 1s... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
SAL Class of 24: G...
Brave Space: What EDI and SEL Can Look Like in the Ar... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
NAEA Affinity Group: Middle Eastern and North African 5:00pm - 6:20pm
Making Their Mark: The Importance in 2025 of Incorpor... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Policy, Theory, and Practice: Global Currents in Art... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Refugee Stories in Pictures: Growing Student Empathy... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Design Thinking Activities to Increase Quality of Lif... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Amplify Diverse Voices in Your Art Room With Disabled... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Cultural Sensitivity Through Cultural Engagement: K-D... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Trauma, the Brain, and Mindfulness in the Art Room 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Disability Aesthetics: Challenging Ideas of "Excellen... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education: W... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Play, Process, and Meaning-Making: Learner-Driven Cre... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Illuminating the Expanse of Black Chicago's Artist-Ed... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Visual Arts and Climate Narratives: Envisioning New "... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Student-Led Exhibition Strategies for K-12 Art Curric... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Community Art Organizations in the Art Room 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Middle Level Awardee Showcase: Distinction From the M... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Supporting Our LGBTQ+ Students and Ourselves Amid Ant... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Fostering Creative Awareness: Integrating Techno...
Achieving the Collaborative "C" in CASEL: A Journey F... 8:00am - 8:50am
Middle Level Division Medley 1: Advocacy Through Rese... 8:00am - 8:50am
Get Glowing Results With a Blacklight Art Show 8:00am - 8:50am
Research on Managing an Art Classroom With Care: Prel... 8:00am - 8:50am
Fascinating and Fearless Female Artists: 10 Artists Y... 8:00am - 8:50am
Bending Toward Justice: Interrogating Narratives Embo... 8:00am - 8:50am
Unearthing Self: A Journey of Deep Reflection for Art... 8:00am - 8:50am
Recommitting to Engaged Collaborative Practice: Affir... 8:00am - 8:50am
Sketchbook and Visual Journal Speed Date 8:00am - 8:50am
Facilitating Art Academic Conversations in Collaborat... 8:00am - 8:50am
Research as Leadership and Advocacy: Research as a Cr... 8:00am - 8:50am
Navigating AI in Art Education 8:00am - 8:50am
Photo Embroidery- Adding Texture and Meaning 8:00am - 8:50am
A More Socially Just World Through Art Education: A P... 8:00am - 8:50am
Student Story-Building Toward Understanding, Belongin... 8:00am - 8:50am
Thoughts From the Field: Practical Strategies for Inc... 8:00am - 8:50am
Art and Storybook Lessons That Empower Young Artists... 8:00am - 8:50am
Leading With Creativity: Strategies to Help AP Studen... 8:00am - 8:50am
Portraits and Scanograms: Unconventional Representati... 8:00am - 8:50am
2024 Higher Education Educator of the Year Lecture 8:00am - 8:50am
Reaching Beyond the Museum Walls: Approaches to Museu... 8:00am - 8:50am
How Can the Experiences of 1st-Year Art Teachers Help... 8:00am - 8:50am
Secondary Superstars: Award-Winning Secondary Art Edu... 8:00am - 8:50am
Community Connections and the Elementary Art Room: A... 8:00am - 8:50am
Emerging Art and Media Technology Careers 8:00am - 8:50am
A Systematic Review of Intersectionality Studies in A... 8:00am - 8:50am
Expressive Observations: Using A/r/tography to Engend... 8:00am - 8:50am
Distinguished Fellows Mentoring Session 2 8:00am - 8:50am
Unleashing Creativity: Integrating Sketchbooks Into E... 8:00am - 8:50am
Neepwaankiaki + Neepwaantiinki: Community-Engaged Art... 8:00am - 8:50am
Independent School Art Education (ISAE) Interest Grou... 8:00am - 8:50am
From Cell Phones to DSLR Cameras: Transforming a Phot... 8:00am - 8:50am
Elementary Carousel of Learning: Cracking the Code of... 8:00am - 8:50am
SRAE Business Meeting: Centering Communities Through... 8:00am - 8:50am
Pixels and Paintbrushes: Coding Self-Portraits in Art 8:00am - 8:50am
Printmaking + Photography = Printography: The Best of... 8:00am - 8:50am
Coalition of Feminisms in Art Education Kite Events:... 8:00am - 8:50am
What's on the Menu: Exploring Korean and Japanese Cul... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Paper Quilt Collaged Portraits 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Conversations With Colleagues: Welcome to Preservice!... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Bookbinding Basics: Creating Sketchbooks and Visual Journaling 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Cocreating Leadership Futures 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Increase Student Engagement With An Arts-Integrated P... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Classroom to Community: Strategies for Enhanced Arts... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
The Art and Engineering of Self-Portrait Kites 12:00pm - 1:50pm
National Art Education Foundation Grant Program 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Exploring Novice Art Teachers' Diverse Approaches to... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Imagining Ubuntu: Curating Art Bridging Borders, a Vi... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Galleries of the Future NOW 12:00pm - 12:50pm
STEAM and Ceramics! Ecosystem-Inspired Wind Chimes: A Science-inspired Ceramic Project 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Traces of Touch Within the Feminist Matrixial Sphere:... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Mending Art Classrooms Through Community Art Practice... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Eco-Printing 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Building Together: Collaborative Art Installations 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Conversations With Colleagues: Connecting With Higher Education Art Educators 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Western Region Awards & Leader 2 Leader Part 1 (L2L 1) 12:00pm - 2:00pm
More Than Just Clay: Successful Sculpture Lessons in... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Southeastern Region Awards & Leader 2 Leader Part 1 (L2L 1) 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Pacific Region Awards & Leader 2 Leader Part 1 (L2L 1) 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Decorating the Ceramic Surface: How to Apply Drawing and Printmaking Processes to Clay 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Engaging With Nature Through Art: Eco-Pedagogy and In... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Is Anybody Out There? 12:00pm - 12:50pm
How We See Neurodivergence in Media Matters: Explorin... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
From Trauma Informed to Trauma Swept: A Journey to Em... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Caring About Interpretation: Applying Care Ethics to... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Enriching K-12 Education Through Museum Partnerships:... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Eastern Region Awards & Leader 2 Leader Part 1 (L2L 1) 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Becoming an Art Concept-Building Coach: Replacing Lec... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Practicing for Retirement: Cultivating Your Best Crea... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Youth-Focus... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Diverse Learners and SEL: Adaptive Tools, Strategies, and the Healing Power of Artmaking 12:00pm - 1:50pm
2025 Interest Group Honors 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Creating Comics in Art Education 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Talent Development & High-Ability (TD&HA) Education 12:00pm - 12:50pm
The Art of Play: Integrating Creativity and Fun Into Learning 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Exploring How Universities Can Prepare K-12 Teachers... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Aesthetic Education Coexistence: Special Action on Activating Local Cultural Genes of "Mountains, Seas, and Rivers" 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Anything but Paper: Creating With Found and Donated Items 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Revisioning Imaginaries of Life in Revisionist Histor... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Challenging Notions of Accomplishment Through the Complication of the TASK 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Artful Minds: Unleashing Creativity Through Design Th... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Access in Community-Based Preservice Practicums: Afte... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Unlocking Success: Insights From AP Art and Design Re... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
The Evolution and Revolution of Professional Developm... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Learning With Robots: Implications for Secondary Art... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Elementary Visual Arts: Community Coffee Shop Exhibit... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Top 10 Lessons Learned About Teaching an Art Elementa... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Scratch, Dab, Layer: Printmaking for All Ages, Budget... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
The Secret to Autonomous Learning Is Equity, Diversit... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Collaborating With First Nations Artists to Honor Ind... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
De-Centralizing Authority to Create Lasting, Positive... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Public Policy Arts Administration
The Collective Reimagining of Art Education and Our C... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Empowering Community Voice Through Inclusive and Coll... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
NAEA Middle Level Medley II: Artmaking Roundtable 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Intersecting Realities: Media Arts as a Lens for Visu... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
NAEA Affinity Group: Black/African American 1:00pm - 2:20pm
Bringing the World to a Rural High School: The Global... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Podcasting in the Elementary Art Room 1:00pm - 1:50pm
A Conceptual Framework for Sociohistorical Research o... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Then and Now: Sensory Methodologies in Art Education:... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Mindfulness of Process: Teaching Art as a Contemplati... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Queer Makerspaces: Creating Art-Centered, Technology-... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Place holder 1:00pm - 2:50pm
Visual Arts Standards: Possibilities for Ecological I... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Alzheimer's and Elementary Learners: From Inspiration... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Teaching Native American Skateboards 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Whimsical Creativity: Crafting Art Inspired by Playfu... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Hack Your Habit: Spark Daily Art Practice With Sketch... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Radical Hospitality: Building Connections in the Clas... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Building Student Artists Through 1-Day Workshops 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Nurturing Artist-Teacher Identities: Fostering Studio... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Caucus on the Spiritual in Art Education Business Mee... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Cultivating Community With a School-Wide Food Systems... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Creating an Activating Street Art Experience to Inspi... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Harnessing the Power of Emotions and Artistic Express... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Coping With Stress: Collaborative Autoethnography of... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Creative Digital Tools for Any Art Room 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Putting the ACTION in Action Research: The CAN Approa... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Crafting Connections: Balancing Tech with Hands-On Ar... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Rest Lab: A Pop-Up Experiment for Intentional Rest in... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
SRAE Chairperson's Salon: Graduate Student Research Lightning Talks 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Do as You Do, Do as You Say: Activating Voice and Cho... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
DSAE Business Meeting 2:00pm - 2:50pm
I Am Trying to Take Your Job: Building the AI Art Tea... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Lifelong Learning Interest Group Networking and Business Meeting and Awards 2:00pm - 3:20pm
National Association of State Directors of Arts Educa... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Strategies for Cultivating Creativity in the Art Clas... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Creating Arts Integration Opportunities When You Have... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Elaborating the Narrative of a Personal, Meaningful P... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Craftivism as Community Practice 3:00pm - 4:50pm
A New Twist (or Stitch!): Mixed-Media Collage 3:00pm - 4:50pm
All Children Are Foreigners: Challenging Myths and Misconceptions in Early Childhood... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
CSTAE Annual Town Hall Meeting 3:00pm - 4:20pm
CLOSED: NAHS Council Meeting 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Overcoming the Challenges of Distance: Art Teacher Education for Rural and Remote Are... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Digital Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Media Arts in U.S. K-12 Art Educatio... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
LGBTQ+ Business Meeting 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Thomas Danbo-Inspired Giant Troll Sculptures for the Classroom 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Playful Learning: Designing and Redesigning Art Gallery Board Games 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Tell Your Story! Documenting the Impact of Education Legislation on Art Teachers in t... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Current Research and Pedagogical Approaches on Asian American and Pacific Islander Ar... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
CFAE Awards Ceremony 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Making Sense of Data: Tools for Navigating Interviews and Timelines in Toward Meaning... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
CSAE Un-Business Meeting: Awaken and Connect the Mind... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
All of the Fun, None of the Fuss: Playful Computational Thinking in PreK-12 Classrooms 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Side-by-Side Inclusion Style! Create a Painting, Collage, or Mixed Media From Student Inspiration! 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Inquiry-Based Art Pedagogies for Critical Environmental and Ecological Conservation A... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
The Art of Motif Making 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Present Here! 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Research Commission: Art, Wellness, and Flourishing 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Cosplay in the Classroom: Using Sculpture Techniques to Bring Superheroes to Life 3:00pm - 4:50pm
What New Art Teachers Need to Know: Tackling Your Fir... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Business Meeting: History and Historiography in Art Education Interest Group 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Turning Trash Into Treasure With Gelli Plates 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Research Kitchen 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Coping With Toxic Stress Using Restorative Art Practices 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Subversive Art Practices as Inspiration for Art Education and Its History 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Honoring the History of African American Presence in Art Education 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Gelli Arts Printing in the Classroom Setting 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Chat and Create: A Secondary Meetup 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Artful Learning Communities: Leaders Share their Journey from Isolation to Inspiratio... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
USSEA Awards Celebration 3:00pm - 4:20pm
It Starts With One: Outsider Art as a Springboard for Collaborative Design 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Let’s Talk About "IT": Challenges and Opportunities for Sustaining ED&I Work in Art E... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Diverse Art Education Histories: LGBTQ+ Stories of Resilience, Resistance, Rebellion,... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Studies in Art Education Business Meeting 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Creativity Unboxed: Exploring Art, Science, and Engineering With Zimoun-Inspired Sculptures 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Considering Embodied Care: Refusing Academic Injuries Through Collaborative Autobiogr... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Nature's Blueprint: K-12 Eco-Friendly Cyanotype Techniques 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Stitched Finger Labyrinths: Mindful Meanderings in Mixed Media 3:00pm - 4:50pm
Exploring Ethics of Care as a Lens for Manifesting Relational Learning for Art Educat... 3:00pm - 4:20pm
NAEA Affinity Group: Disability Justice 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Distinguished Fellows Forum, Oral Histories Initiativ... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Choice Art Educators Interest Group Business Meeting 4:00pm - 5:20pm
National Art Education Foundation Featured Grantee Pr... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Interpreting the Works Progress Administration's...
Banksy's Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem: Complica...
Photography Teacher Turned Her CAR Into a Camera...
Supervision and Administration Division Meeting 4:30pm - 5:20pm
Tent as Art Studio: Exploring Transnational Femi...
Digital Meets Analog: Building Bridges in Photog...
Cultural Dialogue Within Curatorial Practices: I...
Pedagogy and Curriculum Development Toward Equit...
Mugg'n It Up: A Creative Art Intervention With T...
Souvenirs of Greece: A Multigenerational Travel...
Ethical Guidelines for Artistic Research: Naviga...
I've Never Thought of Using That! Low-Budget, Hi...
What Art History Offers AI: Fostering Ethical Te...
Reimagining Research: Art-Based Scholarly Expres...
Systems Thinking for Social Change: Implementing...
Art Studio Investigations: Artmaking as Research
Chambers of Art and Wonder: A Teaching Project o...
Creative Sustainability: Transforming Recycled M...
He Can HEAL: 50 Positive Male Role Models for Ou...
AI Empowering Teacher Prep: Enhancing Lesson Pla...
Behind the Black Box: Unveiling Racial Bias in A...
Seeing the Other: Interactive Art Exhibition, Cu...
Reimaging Portfolio Reviews: Steps Toward Facili...
SAL Super Session and Alumni Meetup 5:00pm - 6:20pm
NAEA Affinity Group: Asian American 5:00pm - 6:20pm
Augusta Savage and Selma Burke: Relating Women A...
Visual Literacy: The Gestalt Principles of Design and... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Transforming Student Ideation Into Art: Exploring Min... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Using Podcasts to Engage and Collaborate With El...
Walking to Enlightenment: Field Notes From the H...
Five Meaningful Lesson Ideas to Introduce Your Studen... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Weaving Connections; Developing a Whole School W...
Asian Art and Culture Interest Group General Business Meeting 5:00pm - 6:20pm
The Power of Creative Insubordination in Element...
A Holistic Exploration of Choice-Based (Art) Edu...
Perspectives on Radical Disability Inclusion in Art E... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Community Partnerships to Help Drive PLCs 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Ethical Integration of AI as an Artist Assistant...
How Five Contemporary Artists Are Modernizing Ma...
Human-Centered Design: Engaging with Design Thinking 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Crip Time Travels: Neurodivergent Student Tempor...
OUR Adidas: Inspiring Young Writers and Artists...
Decolonizing Arts Engagement 5:00pm - 5:50pm
DIY Bookmaking: Engaging Projects for Elementary...
Animation for All Classrooms: Students as Storyteller... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Museums and Universities Collaborating to Increase Pa... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Cultivating Creativity in the Natural Classroom: An A... 5:00pm - 5:50pm
Tying Art Journal Assignments to Google Arts and Cult... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
The Intersectionality of Critical Identities in Art E... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Experiences With Graduate-Level Research: A Conversat... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Unlock the Future With Immersive Technologies in Art... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Empowering the Future: Exploring Posthumanism Through... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Quilt Index, Black Diaspora Quilt History Project: Do... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Healing Through Learning: Integrating Art Education I... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Optimizing Creative Agency and Scaffolding for Succes... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Sketching for Ideation 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Strategies for Avoiding Overwhelm as an Early Career... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Supporting Mental Health: Embracing Contemporary Art-... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
8-Bit Pixel Art Animation: Making it Move 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Art Illuminated: Lighting Up Elementary Creativity Wi... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Bridging Generations Speed-Dating Style: Conversation... 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Pixel Perfect: Five Ways to Dive Into Digital Design 8:00am - 8:50am
Generating New Conversations for Educators Through Ar... 8:00am - 8:50am
Do ADHD Coping Strategies From Art Class Benefit Over... 8:00am - 8:50am
Unleashing Creativity: Visual Journals as Catalysts f... 8:00am - 8:50am
Trauma-Informed Art Education: Ethics of Care in the... 8:00am - 8:50am
The Ugly Doll Project: Student Social Engagement Thro... 8:00am - 8:50am
From Cute to Creative: Documenting Infant and Toddler... 8:00am - 8:50am
First-Day Collaborative Murals to Start Your Year Off... 8:00am - 8:50am
Integrating Muralism: From Community to Classroom in... 8:00am - 8:50am
Coffee and Conversations With Art in Special Educatio... 8:00am - 8:50am
Incorporating Student Choice in K-12 Museum Programs 8:00am - 8:50am
Lettering for Literacy: Ideas for Incorporating Typog... 8:00am - 8:50am
Makes Me Wanna Holler: Black Male Art Educators Speak... 8:00am - 8:50am
Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) and Choice-Based... 8:00am - 8:50am
Unlocking Potential: Exploring Literacy in Arts Educa... 8:00am - 8:50am
Using Multimedia Learning Journals to Help Foster Stu... 8:00am - 8:50am
Artificially Inspired: Unleashing Creativity With AI... 8:00am - 8:50am
TikTok Artist to Art Teacher: Using Social Media in t... 8:00am - 8:50am
A Comparative Study of Traditional and Digital Painti... 8:00am - 8:50am
Ridiculous History: Fun Facts to Draw Students Into Y... 8:00am - 8:50am
Let the Art Do the Talking: Fostering Antiracist Disc... 8:00am - 8:50am
Utilizing Altered Book Lessons to Discover and Enrich... 8:00am - 8:50am
Faux Real: Taking Polymer Clay to the Next Level 8:00am - 8:50am
Resilience in Art Education: Embracing Vulnerability... 8:00am - 8:50am
Championing Art Learning for All Students Through the... 8:00am - 8:50am
Creating Curriculum: A Contemporary Approach to Teach... 8:00am - 8:50am
Empowering Young Voices: Creating Activist Art in Ele... 8:00am - 8:50am
Draw an Elephant With Your Eyes Closed: TASK as Creat... 8:00am - 8:50am
Robots as Agents of Student Creativity and Sculptural... 8:00am - 8:50am
Collaborative Interaction Without Anxiety: Supporting... 8:00am - 8:50am
Building Bricks for Digital Photography 8:00am - 8:50am
Engage Secondary Immigrant Learners in Deconstructing... 8:00am - 8:50am
Bad@$$ Projects and Ideas for AP Success (Photo/Graph... 8:00am - 8:50am
Establishing a Maker Mindset With Arts-Based STEAM 8:00am - 8:50am
Elementary Carousel of Learning: Crafting an Engaging... 8:00am - 8:50am
Asian Art and Culture Interest Group Executive Board... 8:00am - 8:50am
Distinguished Fellows Forum, Archives Initiative: Lea... 8:00am - 8:50am
Do Your Homework: Preparing to Facilitate Social Just... 8:00am - 8:50am
14th Annual NAEF Fundraising Benefit Event - Modern Glyphics in Communities: The... 10:45am - 12:00pm
Stand-Up: Facing My Own Disability While Teaching a C... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
How to Measure Social-Emotional Learning in Art Museu... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Roll the dice: Play Your Way Into Higher Education (Art) Teaching 12:00pm - 1:50pm
NAEA Affinity Group: 2SLGBTQIA+ 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Curating as Making 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Research Commission Leadership Forum 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Cultivating Creativity With Simple and Effective Challenges 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Elementary Carousel of Learning: Managing the Mess 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Service or Servitude? Preservice Teachers Practice Cu... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Reaching Diverse Students: Create Tools and Resources That Enhance Access and Authenticity for ALL Learners 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Reorienting Orientalism: Resistance and Response in C... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Between Campus and Community: Exploring Spatial Polit... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Wonder and Curiosity of Place: Honorable Explorations of Nature Through Collecting, Eco-Printing, and Botanical Pigme... 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Mentorship Through Research: Exciting Collaborative Faculty and Student Projects and... 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Storytelling to Connect to Self: Oral History and Bookmaking Workshop 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Trash to Treasure: Creating Sculptures With Dynamic Form and Texture Using Cardboard 12:00pm - 1:50pm
SRAE Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research in Art Education... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Games People Play 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Creative Professional Mentorship in High School 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Outlaws Versus Conformists: A Mixed-Media Abstract Collaboration Workshop 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Character Development and Storytelling in Art: A Complete Unit of Study 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Studio State of Mind 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Artfully Suited for Spacewalking: Sewable Electronics "Suited" for Mars! 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Writing for Studies in Art Education 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Community Arts Caucus Annual Town Hall Meeting 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Annual Meeting of the Review Board for the Journal of... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Creative Tracking: Portfolios and Challenge Badges in... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Teaching Art in Troubled Times: A Fellows Forum 12:00pm - 1:20pm
Bridging Generations: Revitalizing Community Culture... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Class Culture Eats Lesson Plans for Breakfast 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Keys to Success With Kindergarten 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Modern Fabric Linoprints: Not Your Grandmother's Textile Workshop! 12:00pm - 1:50pm
CFAE Business Meeting II: Amplifying Emerging Feminist Research in Visual Arts and Education 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Contemporary Conversations 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Practices on Teach... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Releasing and Redirecting Using Art and Our Hands 12:00pm - 1:50pm
Classroom Critique Methods and Strategies 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Artsonia: Online Portfolios, Fund-Raising, and More:... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
The Art of Social Theory: CSTAE Digital Curricul...
What Equity Pedagogy Looks Like in Practice: Essentia... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Advocacy: Collaboration Is Key 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Foolproof Fabulousness: Cultivating an Attitude of Ex... 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Murals as Media: Fostering Community Engagement and V... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Toward a Nature-Based Pedagogy: Inspirations for Lear... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Cocreating Community: Antioppressive Alternatives to... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Unique Fiber Arts Projects for Your K-5 Classroom 1:00pm - 1:50pm
How to Start With Stop Motion: A Scaffolded, Technica... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Walking the Walk: One PLC's Journey to Build Curricul... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Blooming Together: Female Art Educators' Collective R... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Invited Studies in Art Education Lecture 1:00pm - 1:50pm
DSAE Awards Ceremony 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Research is Elementary 3.0 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Advocating Artfully 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Middle Level Division Medley III: Engagement Ideas fo... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Untangling Museum Internships: Creating Rich, Meaning... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Drawing on Your Leadership Style: Strengths-Based App... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
HHAE Distinguished Scholar Award 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Cultivating Synesthesia and Balancing Personal Traits... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Collaborative Research and Wayfaring of the Living Ar... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Understanding the AP Art and Design Rubric and Classr... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Three Keys for Building an Outstanding Teaching Artis... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Making Beautiful Music Together: What to Do When Your... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
3D Printed Art in the Elementary Classroom 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Art Reboot: Reinventing, Creating, and Building a New... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Bridging the Gap: From 2D Mastery to Powerful 3D Conc... 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Más Idiomas: Language Inclusion in Museums 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Choice-Based Art Ed: Where Are We Now? 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Elementary Carousel of Learning: Hands-On Studio Make... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Secondary Smash Hits: Shared Successes of Effective P... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Inclusive Adaptive Art Practices in an Elementary Art... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Utilizing Concise Language to Navigate Complex Conten... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Pre- and Postassessment in a Multicase Study of Antir... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Introduction to Digital Drawing and Art With an Easy-... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Show Your Work! Building Student Skill in Process Doc... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Navigating the Grid: Approaching Queer Narrative Thro... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
From Art Teacher to EdD/PhD: The Ins and Outs of Gett... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Promoting Civic Engagement Through Art and Education 2:00pm - 2:50pm
AI-Infused Learning Design for Preparing Productive a... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Navigating Creative Futures: Bridging the Gap to the... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
The Value of Community Connection in Older Adult Lear... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Inclusive Museum Education in the Context of Parental... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Early Childhood Art Education (ECAE) Interest Group M... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Distinguished Fellows Mentoring Session 3 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Express Yourself: 5 Creative Advocacy Projects Incorp... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Mindfully Integrating Artificial Intelligence Into Cu... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Dinner Is Served!: Moving Away From Traditional Tests... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Developing a Visual Journal Practice for Your Middle-... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Data Visualization Working Group: Research and Applications in Art Education 2:00pm - 3:20pm
We're in This Together: Social-Emotional Learning Imp... 2:00pm - 2:50pm
Starting a Fiber Arts Class From Scratch 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Touch and Tell: Enhancing Museum Experiences for the... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
NAEA Affinity Group: American Indian/Alaska Native/Indigenous 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Sharing Culture Through Art the DEI and Delicious Dis... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
R- U- AI Curious? It's All About the PROMPT! 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Let's Talk About STEAM Education Across the Curriculu... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
A Museum in Your Classroom: Exploring Contemporary Ar... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Supporting New and New-to-Art Teachers: Building Foun... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Teacher Retention Through Artist-in-Residence Collabo... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Beyond Advisory Groups: Leveraging Professional Learn... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
In What Ways Might "Culture" Be Introduced to Preserv... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Making Public Art Accessible to Young Learners 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Art, Work, Family: Three High School Connected Arts N... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Successful and Engaging Lesson Ideas for Every Art Te... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Getting Digital With Middle 3:00pm - 3:50pm
From Personal Artmaking Practice to Eco-Pedagogy: Ins... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Pixels to Play: Level Up Your Art Classroom With Acce... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
What is the Evolving Role of Nontraditional Community... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Fostering Civic Responsibility Through Art: Innovativ... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
AP for Process Not Product: LET'S PLAY! 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Creating Balance as a Teacher and Administrative Lead... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Inspiring Student Art Journals 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Cultivating an Elementary Art Show 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Exploring Identity Through Textile Arts 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Islamic Arts: How It Inspires The World 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Implementing Creative Research Journals in the Art Ro... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Arts and Health: Expanding Research and Practice and... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Empowering Teen Voices Through Civic Engagement: Inno... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Home and Belonging: Affirming Students' Identities Wi... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Eco-Pedagogy in Action: The Landfill Project 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Dress to Express: A Cultural Framework for Using Dres... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Literature Review of Social-Emotional Learning in K-1... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Tips and Tricks for Teacher Sanity 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Indigenous Youth Voices 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Overcoming Barriers to Access in the Art Room: Authen... 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Studio Habits of Mind: Seeing Assessment 3:00pm - 3:50pm
CAN Online Toolbox Content Creation 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Integrating Los Angeles-Based Artists and Promoting S... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Centering Art and Social Studies: Elementary Art Curr... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Ignite Artistic Fire in Your Middle Schoolers 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Practical Approaches to Teaching Disability Studies i... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
arTED Micropresentations: Circumnavigating Art Education Research 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Cultivating Awe for Wellbeing 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Empowering Critical Thinking Through Art: A Collabora... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Why Exhibitions Matter: Teaching Students to Care Abo... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Cultivating a Classroom Community of Risk-Taking 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Neurodiversity in the Art Classroom 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Good Trouble: Leaving the Masters Behind to Ethically... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Celebrating Leadership: Elementary Division 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Sounds of Playful Learning Ahead: Cultivating Family-... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Almost Got Arrested: My Adventure in Teaching Critica... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
The Sketchbook Project 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Reviving the Spark: Strategies for Confident Drawing... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Artist + Activist: Amplifying Student Voices Through... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Retired Art Educators Affiliate Interest Group Annual... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Connecting Art and Literacy Through Pictograms and Co... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
A National Study on the Identification of Artisticall... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
A Case for the Arts and STEAM: Providing Students Pas... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Surviving Art Teaching: Stories, Tips, and Wisdom 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Play and Joy in the Democratic Classroom 4:00pm - 4:50pm
STEAM Rolling Through Children's Literature 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Time to Roll Up Our Sleeves! Tackling Tough Problems... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Crushed Dreams: Improving Teacher Longevity Through O... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Murals as a Primary Vehicle for Understanding Identit... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Social Justice: Empowering Passion, Voice, and Choice 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Sneaky Assessment in the Art Room: Fostering Creativi... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Attending to Affect: Rethinking Pedagogical Practices... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Creativity and Hope Amid Educational Restrictions 4:00pm - 4:50pm
An Exemplary Visual Art Classroom 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Teaching Social Practice and Community Engaged Art Ed... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Creating a Preservice Community for Networking and Em... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
Project Your Vision: Elevating Media Arts With Projec... 4:00pm - 4:50pm
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