
Thursday, March 20

12:00pm EDT

CFAE Business Meeting I: Feminist(s) Histories: Hindsight, Foresight, and Insight Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel, Salon CRebecca Turk • Cheri Ehrlich • Karen Keifer-Boyd Critical Perspectives on Embodiment: Relational and Socially Engaged Practices in Art Education Kentucky International Convention Center, L004Emily Jean Hood • Amber Ward • Li Xu • Sarah Travis Design Interest Group's Annual Gathering: Business, Awards, and Networking Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel, Salon XKristen LaJeunesse Roach • Robin Vande Zande AI "Prompt Off" Using Adobe Express Kentucky International Convention Center Exhibit Hall, Digital Playground Table Station 4Elizabeth Stuart STEAM Power: Animation in Any Classroom Kentucky International Convention Center Exhibit Hall, Digital Playground Table Station 1Tim Needles Art Teacher Insights: Naming and Sharing Your Effective Instructional Practices [TICKET REQUIRED] Kentucky International Convention Center, L015/L019Amber Arnold • Libba Willcox Contemporary Paper Weaving: Practical, Purposeful, and Political [TICKET REQUIRED] Kentucky International Convention Center, L007/L008Christina Bain • Dawn Stienecker Leader 2 Leader Part 2 (L2L 1): All Region Leaders Coming Together Face 2 Face (F2F) Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel, Salon EFGKristi Oliver • Abi Paytoe Gbayee • Carrie Barnett • Josh Drews! Retired Art Educators Alliance Annual Business Meeting Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel, Salon DDebi Dunavant West • Betsy Logan • Nancy Walkup

1:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

5:00pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Friday, March 21

8:00am EDT

11:30am EDT

12:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

5:00pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Saturday, March 22

8:00am EDT

11:30am EDT

12:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

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